User created themes

These themes have not been written nor verified by the author of Ubooquity. Use them at your own risk.

Material Design by Roflcop

Dark Theme by Hidea (use the “Clone or download” green button on the right)
Forum thread

Dark Theme Variation by Kimbo Price

Dark Theme Flat variant by Justin Brown

Comixology Theme by Scott

Materialized Theme by Andreas

Plex Based Theme by FinalAngel (use the “Clone or download” button on the right)
Forum thread

Plex Theme + Currently reading comics mod by Starcrouz
Forum thread

Adding your theme to this list

You wrote a theme and would like to include it in this list ?

Either send me a message with a link to your theme (or a page where it can be downloaded), or fork the Ubooquity documentation on Github and modify this page as you like.
Also, a small description and and indication if your theme is a variation on another existing theme would be nice.